Mission #6 involves posting your 'reflections' on what love is. We listened to the song 'Love hurts' by Incubus and you prepared a draft in class in groups. Submit your final version for voting. Let's think of this as a sort of contest and let's have a poll to vote for the best sentence / paragraph or text. Be creative!
The love hurts, but every one needs love.
Love does not choose ages or races, is a powerfull thing that moves people for emotions.
Love is a reality that every one want to live but can be a good or bad experience because is a unstable thing.
Coelho 9329806, Santos 9329706
Love hurts, but we love to love because love is the greatest feeling that we know. Embody all the positive feelings like happiness, calm, better life, patience and the heart is gone burst up. We love to feel the butterflies in our bally and we like to be in love. This is all crap because the love it make scars.
Moreira Santos
Love hurts but it's amazing, awesome, special, beautiful...
Sometimes people get hurt, get disapointed but it's normal when we talk about love.
When we are in love we are always happy, you won't get mad with no one, with nothing, even in the rainy days.
The World is nothing without love. Everyone needs to feel love, even if just for one day.
When we love someone we do eveything for that person.
Vieira 9319406
Ferreira 9320606
Guerra 9327006
Love hurts, but it is the best feeling in the world. When you get hit by "cupid`s arrow" you won`t get mad with anyone, you are always happy, even in rainy days. When you love someone you want to be with your lover every day, everytime, everywhere. When you truly love someone you do anything for that person, and the distance won`t be a problem. The most difficult part of a relationship is the time that you are separated from your lover... I think love is the best feeling in the world!
Almeida e Costa
Love hurts, but it's like red bull. It lifts up your body, mind and soul.
Love it's something that you feel but you can't explain. We can't choose who we love, and sometimes our choice is not the best...however...love is a wonderful feeling...SO JUST DO IT!! ...
Love hurts, but it`s a feeling that no one can live without it..What is the only moment in your live that everything fall down ?
Is when you lose a love and when do you feel happy?
When you discover a new love..
Love hurts,but... it's the most important thing in live .
When you stop loving people you will see that nothing else matters.
Love hurts, but love it's one of the most wondefull feelings that a human being can have, it's something we couldn't explaine. Some people have afraid of this feeling, but I think that we have to show ours feelings.
For us the love have 5 rules:
1-When 2 people loves each others, didtance and age don't matter.
2-When 2 people wants to be together, the thing that it's important is what they feel one for other.
3-Never try to forget one persone that you love, stayins with other.
4-Never finish a relationship with your love, because someone don't like that you be together.
5-If you love someone say that to her, don't matter her answer, but think that you don't have nothing to lose.
by: Castro and Leal
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