Mission #3 is here! And it is based on the movie we saw in today's lesson - ANNAPOLIS!
Your mission (if you choose to accept it) is to write a small summary of the story. What did you think of the movie? How did you identify with it? What differences could you spot between the US Navy and the Portuguese one? Who was your favorite character? Why? What would you change in the plot? Let us know... and write comments to each other's posts.
i thought the movie was very good because Huard showed that he had a lot of will to get what he wanted. but he get where he wanted with a lot of effort. the movie itself has a moral. nothing can`t be achieved without effort.
The story talks about a promise (that he does to her mother) of a boy, who wants to be an Official from Naval Academy. He likes boxing and he is a irreverent man.
In my opinion he is a good and tough boy, who respects a military life, but he wants to do everything alone.
I'm identify with the boy because in the beginning we are all individualist , but after we learn to respect and live together, we can done the things all together.
My favorite character of course would be the woman who likes him.
The only change that i would make that it in the combat, he doesn't deserve to lose.
What I think about the movie we saw thursday, Annapolis, in my ideia it was fantastic. I think the main argument of the film it's how dificult is to enter on the US Navy and the hardest recrut they have. My favourite character was Jake Huard because he fight for what he want because he promise for his mother who die. The differences between US Navy and the Portuguese it's short, because our recrut are based in the same exercises and very hard too. I like very much of the movie and I recomend for every one to see the film.
Annapolis tell us a story of a guy who wants to be a part of US Navy Academy. He was weack but with the time and with the military experience and his own will force he had transformed himself in a outstading military. I think that it was a great movie and my favorite character was James Franco. Finnaly i think that there aren't many differences between the US Navy and the Portuguese one.
i think that "Annapolis" is a great movie, because it shows a bit of what's life as a military.
it's a movie about courage, strenght and will above all.
i don't identify myself with the movie because, the US Navy is very different from the portuguese Navy. the US navy is much more organized than the portuguese, because to them being in the army is like a duty and an honor.
i didn't had any favorite character, they were all great, i wouldn't change anything in the plot.
The movie Annapolis is a movie that tells a story about a boy whit 20 years that wants to go to the Naval Academy to become an Official of the Navy. Before he goes to the Naval Academy he work in a factory that build ships and that factory is in the other side of the river were the Naval Academy is, when he has just a little boy his mother takes he in a boat to see the Naval Academy, and she died when is little, but she was the only person who believes that he can be an Navy Official. His father doesn’t believe that e can enter in the Naval Academy and he doesn’t support his son, but he manages to enter and whit many doubts and many mans against he can makes his dream true, finishing the course and became an Official.
I like the movie, I think that the movie is well done and can call the attention of the spectators.
My favorite character is Tenet Cole, interpreted by Tyrese Gibson.
My opinion about the two Navies is that is many differences and can’t be comparing.
Moreira Santos
I think that the film is good because talks about the Navy in general. I don´t identify me with the film because is very different of my course diver. Portuguese Navy is very different of American navy because the logistic , the structures and warships are different.
Also the military training have a conduct different.
My favorite character is Lt. Commander Burton that is the actor Donnie Wahlber.
The movie Annapolis tells us a story about US Navy. In my opinion, this film is very good. It portrays pretty good all the hard work and determination required to achieve their objectives. However, the reality is much less attractive. There are some differences between US Navy and Portuguese, specifically a very deep lack of funds in the Portuguese one.
My favorite character in this movie is Mr. Cole, who I think that represents military justice as is.
I think the writer shouldn’t give so much importance to boxing activity, once that sport is not what defines military life. That is the only thing I would change in the script.
Good movie, great actors, great history, nice view in deed.
Loved it!
This movie show all the things that a man have to past to be a NAVY Oficial . The corage and the dedication of cadet Huard is an example to all the men that want to list to the NAVY .
Annapolis tells us a story of a guy who wants to be a part of US Navy Academy, because he made a promise to his mother.The movie shows how hard is the recruit they have.I think that`s a great movie and my favorite character was James Franco.
That movie it's very interesting and amazing, he tell us a story of a man who enters to the US NAVY ACADEMY.He is a courage man and he fight for his dreams.
My favourite character is Huard because he is the main character.
The differences between US NAVY and the PORTUGUESE NAVY are the training and the culture, about the training it's more difficult.
See this movie it's really good...
Annapolis tell us a story of a guy who wants to be a part of US Navy Academy and basically he did "everything" to join in the US Navy.
great film, loved it!
I think that this is a great movie, because it shows the roughness of a military life. Huards attitude is amazing, because he didnt knew most of the questions he was asked to answer, and, just with is will he was able to learn almost, if not everything, he didnt knew. Thus he is my favourite character of this movie.
nice nice nice nice movie
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