Based on the lyrics of Another Round by The Foo Fighters and the reproduction of a painting / photograph given to your group, write a short text of about 100 words. It may be a poem, a short article or whatever comes to your mind.
Regards, STEN Neto
Come and cover me Above us only sky and clouds I want you stay with you Because you complete me
Forget the beginning We live right now Come and sit next to me And cry on my shoulder now
I forgive everything you do But you have to promise me That I'll always be with you
Because of the s*** that he does He'ss alone without a pair And I’m here with you Behind the stair
GONCALVES 9329906 MOREIRA SANTOS 9330106 (based on Juan Muñoz's installation views)
We are going to start a description of one of Julião Sarmento’s painting, called “Mehr Licht”. As we see in the painting, there are three different themes, which we’re going to describe.
In the first, we see some kind of abstract drawing, mostly in group. Next, we have some kind of a cage with something or someone inside in tones of red. In the next one, we’ve got a person alone playing the piano. It could be a sad song or a happy song... we don’t know.
Then, we have possibly a ghost in a dark night with a full moon. We have a city on a raining night as well.
Last but not least we have a picture of a man who’s grabbing a woman’s neck.
This is Friday night at 00.00 a.m in Tokyo. It’s raining, she received a box of photographs which had photos of her husband with another woman.
She tried to forget the incident, but she couldn’t hear her husband too clear. Every night she cried because she couldn’t stand the humiliation and so she decided to kill her lover.
Afterwards, she went downtown and she called a gang to kill the lover under her own ceiling. After that, she couldn’t get back to her husband but she was very happy because the other woman was dead. She thinks “If I can have my husband no one will”.
This man looks like he’s going down, that’s why he’s seeking cover in this place, this sad and dark place.
He’s carrying a bag in his right hand and he’s all by himself, alone, in this forgotten place, whose broken ceiling is taking him down and it making him crazy.
He doesn’t know what to do. There is too much pain in his life. The clouds are black and the rain is falling.
In the first one, we have a lonely child, who miss the happiness of being a child, like all children of Mozambique. In his eyes, we can see the forgotten hope of fulfilling his dreams.
The second photograph shows us the fear of the people, they make shelters to cover themselves.
Come and cover me
Above us only sky and clouds
I want you stay with you
Because you complete me
Forget the beginning
We live right now
Come and sit next to me
And cry on my shoulder now
I forgive everything you do
But you have to promise me
That I'll always be with you
Because of the s*** that he does
He'ss alone without a pair
And I’m here with you
Behind the stair
(based on Juan Muñoz's installation views)
Lying all alone
In the middle of the wood
There’s no one else around
just me and my thoughts.
Searching for a cover
that I don’t seem to find
Because after all I’m empty inside.
I hear whispers all around me
They’re the only thing that makes me feel
That I’m not alone…and then…
I look at the trees,
They’re my only company
In the silence of Nature …
I find my peace.
(based on François Méchain's photograph)
This picture shows a poor family, with a man that works in construction buildings and he is having lunch with his wife and child.
The child is covered with a blanket by the arms of his mother, because they don't have a 'ceiling' to live.
The rain is falling down and the clouds are above them, it’s not right when people don’t deserve it.
This picture shows the reality of a Portuguese family in the years of 1946-50.
The painter is Júlio Pomar and the painting is called “O Almoço do Trolha“
Unidentified group (!)
We are going to start a description of one of Julião Sarmento’s painting, called “Mehr Licht”. As we see in the painting, there are three different themes, which we’re going to describe.
In the first, we see some kind of abstract drawing, mostly in group. Next, we have some kind of a cage with something or someone inside in tones of red.
In the next one, we’ve got a person alone playing the piano. It could be a sad song or a happy song... we don’t know.
Then, we have possibly a ghost in a dark night with a full moon. We have a city on a raining night as well.
Last but not least we have a picture of a man who’s grabbing a woman’s neck.
Pires NII: 9325206
Costa NII: 9321706
This is Friday night at 00.00 a.m in Tokyo. It’s raining, she received a box of photographs which had photos of her husband with another woman.
She tried to forget the incident, but she couldn’t hear her husband too clear. Every night she cried because she couldn’t stand the humiliation and so she decided to kill her lover.
Afterwards, she went downtown and she called a gang to kill the lover under her own ceiling. After that, she couldn’t get back to her husband but she was very happy because the other woman was dead.
She thinks “If I can have my husband no one will”.
Unidentified group (!)
This man looks like he’s going down, that’s why he’s seeking cover in this place, this sad and dark place.
He’s carrying a bag in his right hand and he’s all by himself, alone, in this forgotten place, whose broken ceiling is taking him down and it making him crazy.
He doesn’t know what to do. There is too much pain in his life. The clouds are black and the rain is falling.
This photograph was taken by Paulo Nozolino.
The real Mozambique
We have got two photographs about Mozambique.
In the first one, we have a lonely child, who miss the happiness of being a child, like all children of Mozambique. In his eyes, we can see the forgotten hope of fulfilling his dreams.
The second photograph shows us the fear of the people, they make shelters to cover themselves.
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