Thursday, December 14, 2006

Topic #5 - Tourism

The envoirnment and the cultures are influenced by the tourism. The consequences tht the tourism brings to the places are very powerfull in very certain ways, because affects the industrialization and the life of the people that depend on the trade tourism to live. The environment are influenced by the tourism because the people of the citys that are depended the tourism, create better conditions in the locals that are visited by the tourists, hoping that they came more times and each year came more people to visit the citys. On the outher way the citys are full of the tourism and each year that pass the enviornment is getting more fragile and polluted because the excess of people in the citys.
The tourism make the tourists spend money in the shops, and the traders earn whit that, and because of that they can live a beter life and adquire a level of live that without the tourism they can't have.
I think that the tourism is good in the certain way that make the forigners came to our country, and that is good to our people because they spend money and we earn.
Moreira Santos 9330106