Thursday, December 14, 2006

Topic #5 - Tourism

Tourism. It's a way of life to many people and, even, countries (like ours). There are people that live for and because of it.

Due to tourism, people can earn lots of money, due to renting houses, selling shirts, etc. Another reason why tourism is a good thing, it's because we know new countries and cultures, weathers... But it's bad for our wallet and because there are people that get advantage and get ilegal to work there.

About the environment, it's nice because it obliges villages to improve their conditions.
But some tourists make things like leaving trash and make stupidities when drunk.
In my opinion, tourism is one of the best things there are now. If I was in High-School, it was the course I would choose, because it's the one that's developping more and more in the last years.